Author Interview: Anita Kidesu

Today we take a walk on the wild side with erotic romance author Anita Kidesu. Anita’s debut novel, South Seas Seduction, was released in March by The Wild Rose Press.

Welcome, Anita!

Tell us a bit about you. Where do you live, and how long have you been writing?

Hi all. I’m happy to be here today. I live in a small southern Wisconsin town with my two cats and  hamster, Digger. I’ve been writing for about two years, and South Seas Seduction is my first published romance.

What inspired you to write this book?

perf5.000x8.000.inddI came up with the idea for South Seas Seduction while on vacation. I was relaxing on the beach in the Caribbean, reading an excellent romance, when I heard some people laughing. I looked up and watched three guys and a girl playing around in the water. They were splashing and trying to dunk each other – anyway the guys were. In the horizon, a plane flew low over the water, probably heading for the island’s small airport. Bam! What if I took three guys and a girl, have them survive a plane crash on a seemingly deserted island. The cover of the book does a wonderful job of portraying what I saw. Of course, I had to add more plot to make it an erotic romance.


Sounds very sexy. 🙂 It’s always fascinating to see where other authors’ ideas come from. What does your writing process look like? 

I’m a mix between a plotter and panster. I have a good idea of what the book will be about. How it will possibly end (which many times changes.), who my characters are, and what the Arc will be. I do characterization charts and a type of calendar of book events, but then I just write. Many times the characters don’t do what I’ve planned, and I have to catch up with their ideas.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

When I’m not writing, I love to read, (of course), hike, camp, travel to exotic locations (which doesn’t happen often enough), garden, and spend time with my friends.

What are you working on now?

I recently sent another erotic romance to my editor. I’ve done the major edits to it and am waiting for a contract. I’m currently working on a short story for the publisher’s Valentine’s anthology.

I tend to work through story ideas when I’m driving or in the shower, both of which are, of course, places I can’t write anything down. Do you have any strange writing habits?

Like you, I work through plot ideas and problems when I’m driving, or doing dishes, or in the shower, or any place I happen to be. One of the problems I have is getting character ideas when I’m in public – like restaurants, airports, etc. That can be a problem when I’m on a date and don’t have paper and pen in my small purse. I’ve borrowed pens from waitresses and written ideas on napkins. Once, while on a date, I was desperate and wrote the idea on my arm. My date thought that was too weird and never called again. I think he didn’t like the thought that my idea for a story was more interesting than him.  My friends are used to it, and sometimes even get into the act by watching people and giving me ideas about them.

LOL. Significant others of writers need to be tougher than that! If you had a superpower, what would it be?

My superpower would be not needing to sleep. That way I could stay up all night and write, and still be awake for work the next day. That would be awesome.

Ooh, good one! Neat freak or not so much?

IMG_9759I’m quite neat with my apartment. I hate junk on counters and tables, but when I’m working on a book, my desk can look like a tornado hit it. Papers, pens, notes, and mail are strewn all over the place.

[Anita shared a picture of her desk. No tornado in sight!]


Other than “butt in chair,” what piece of advice would you give to an aspiring author?

The biggest thing I always say is “never give up.” If you’re stuck on a scene, write a different one – maybe the next chapter. If you receive a rejection, send your manuscript in to another editor or agent.  Never say never. I have a good friend who wasn’t published (in romance) until she was sixty. It’s never too late to try, but always too early to give up.

Excellent advice. Thank you so much for joining me today, Anita! Here’s more information on Anita’s debut release:

South Seas Seduction, by Anita Kidesu

Sheltered all her life as the daughter of an ambassador, Emma Labonte boards a small plane on a trip from Australia. One hijacking and a plane crash later, she finds herself on a deserted island and stranded with three different yet equally sexy men. With no hope for rescue, the four begin to carve a semblance of a life in their tropical setting. Closeness breeds curiosity, and naive Emma begins to wonder what it would be like to be loved by these three men. The adventurer Jack, Toby the intelligent doctor, and shy English professor Steve–each carve a special place in her heart. When her three men launch seduction in the South Seas, how can she resist?

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